Two-component solvent-based organically modified zincethylsilicate primer in grey shade of high performance for the anticorrosion protection of steel structures. It is self-curing by solvent evaporation and the effect of atmospheric moisture.
As a single coat or topcoated primer for long-term steel structures protection in aggressive atmospheres or other environments of the pH value within 5,5-10,5 (neutral salts, sea water), the structures exposed to high humidity or water splashing (mining or underearth structures), building structures (bridges), technological structures (columns, exchangers, pipeline bridges, pipelines, furnaces, mills, crushers etc.). It can be used as protective tank linings for storage of crude oil and its refined products (oils, fuels).
It is a cost-saving alternative to zinc metallic coatings (metallizing, galvanizing) and can also be used as a local protection of the burnt metallized or galvanized areas on the structures after welding.
It should be applied by conventional air-assisted spraying, airless spraying or by brush (only small areas) on the steel substrates blasted for the degree Sa 2,5 (ISO 8501-1) in nominal dry film thickness 50 – 90 µm. Unlike the common unmodified zincsilicate paints, Pragokor Metal E may be even applied on the shot blasted steel without any residual grease, resulted profile of lower roughness being tolerated. The primer features enhanced resistance against "mud-cracking" at the thickness up to 200 µm. The paint should be prepared by thorough mixing of both components just before application.
Thinning: Pragokor Thinner Metal or Pragokor Thinner Z (max. 15 % by vol.).
Theoretical spreading rate at the dry film thickness 60 µm: 4,1 m2/kg (11 m2/litre).
VOC content: 0,15 kg/kg (0,40 kg/litre).
Pot-life after mixing of both components: min. 8 hours (at 20 °C).
Drying time to touch: about 3,5 hours (20 °C).
Curing time for topcoating (50 mm of dry film thickness, temperature 20 °C and 75 % relative humidity): about 3 days (enhanced both relative humidity and temperature will accelerate curing process).
Two-component solvent-based organically modified zincethylsilicate primer in grey shade of high performance for the anticorrosion protection of steel structures. It is self-curing by solvent evaporation and the effect of atmospheric moisture.
As a single coat or topcoated primer for long-term steel structures protection in aggressive atmospheres or other environments of the pH value within 5,5-10,5 (neutral salts, sea water), the structures exposed to high humidity or water splashing (mining or underearth structures), building structures (bridges), technological structures (columns, exchangers, pipeline bridges, pipelines, furnaces, mills, crushers etc.). It can be used as a protective tank lining for storage of crude oil and its refined products (oils, fuels).
It is a cost-saving alternative to zinc metallic coatings (metallizing, galvanizing) and can also be used as a local protection of the burnt metallized or galvanized areas on the structures after welding. It should be applied by conventional air-assisted spraying, airless spraying or by brush (only small areas) on the steel substrates blasted for the degree Sa 2,5 (ISO 8501-1) in nominal dry film thickness 50 – 90 µm. Unlike the common unmodified zincsilicate paints, Pragokor Metal ES may be even applied on the shot blasted steel without any residual grease, resulted profile of lower roughness being tolerated. The primer features enhanced resistance against “mud-cracking” at the thickness up to 200 µm. The paint should be prepared by thorough mixing of both components just before application.
Thinning: Pragokor Thinner Metal or Pragokor Thinner Z (max. 15 % by vol.).
Theoretical spreading rate at the dry film thickness 60 µm: 4,6 m2/kg (10,8 m2/litre)
VOC content: 0,172 kg/kg (0,407 kg/litre).
Pot-life after mixing of both components: min. 8 hours (at 20 °C).
Drying time to touch: about 3,5 hours (20 °C).
Curing time for topcoating (50 µm of dry film thickness, temperature 20 °C and 75 % relative humidity): about 3 days (enhanced both relative humidity and temperature will accelerate curing process).
Two-component solvent-based organically modified zincethylsilicate primer in green and grey shade of high performance for the anticorrosion protection of steel structures. It is self-curing by solvent evaporation and the effect of atmospheric moisture. Unlike the common unmodified types of zincsilicate paints with strict demands for the sharp and anchoring profile underneath, an addition of an organic resin to the inorganic paint improves overall applicability and adhesion of the primer to the substrate and makes the paint much more surface-tolerant i.e. surface roughness under the coating is allowed to be reduced and the surface profile after blasting more rounded. Consequently, this less strict demand for surface blasting under the paint enables using a round steel shot blasting material instead of the sharp-edged grit. It is necessary, anyway, for the steel surface after blasting to be without any grease!
The paint for application should be prepared by a thorough mixing of both liquid and powder components.
It may be applied as a single coat or topcoated primer in the dry thickness of 50 – 90 µm for long-term protection of steel structures in aggressive atmospheres or other environments on the steel substrate blasted for the degree Sa 2,5 (ISO 8501-1). Moreover, it is a cost-saving alternative to zinc metallic coatings (metallizing, galvanizing) and can also be used as a local protection of the burnt metallized or galvanized areas on the structures after welding and, for a colour distinction, as a strip paint applied by brush over zincsilicate primers of the pure grey shade (Pragokor Metal E and ES).
The paint is suitable for:
Thinning: Pragokor Thinner Metal or Pragokor Thinner Z (max. 15 % by vol.).
Theoretical spreading rate at the dry film thickness 60 µm: 4,3 m2/kg (10,5 m2/litre).
VOC content: 0,172 g/kg (0,419 g/litre).
Pot-life after mixing of both components: min. 8 hours (at 20 °C).
Drying time to touch: about 3,5 hours (20 °C).
Curing time for topcoating (50 µm of dry film thickness, temperature 20 °C and 75 % relative humidity): about 3 days (enhanced both relative humidity and temperature will accelerate curing process).
Two-component solvent-based organically modified zincethylsilicate paint in a black-and-grey matt shade, self-curing by solvent evaporation and the effect of atmospheric moisture. It should be used as a decorative topcoat over solvent-based zincsilicate primers Pragokor Metal E, Pragokor Metal ES or Pragokor Metal ESG. It creates the top paint of the entirely inorganic coating system Antik of high performance even in aggressive industrial and marine atmospheres, imitating the original finish of the iron blacksmith´s work. It may be therefore particularly used for both restoration and preservation of iron forge art or historical objects where, besides high anticorrosion protection, the utmost resistance against sunlight and surface chalking are also demanded. As for the rusty steel substrates, they must be at first cleaned with a hand or powered tool for the degree at least St 2 (ISO 8501-1), then 2 – 3 coats of organically modified zincsilicate primer (Pragokor Metal E) made by brush and, finally, 1 - 2 topcoats of Pragokor Metal Antic applied. All residues of old organic paints must be removed completely under the paint system Antik !
The whole above-mentioned painting system has been approved by the National Instiltute for Monuments in Prague and designed and applied by the Girsa Studio for the restoration of historical iron structures in the Český Krumlov and Waldstein castles.
Thinning: Pragokor Thinner Metal or Pragokor Thinner Z (max. 15 % by vol.).
Practical spreading rate at the dry film thickness 40 µm: cca 5 m2/kg - applied by brush.
VOC content: 0,299 kg/kg (0,471 kg/litre).
Pot-life after mixing of both components: min. 12 hours (at 20 °C).
Drying time to touch: about: 4 hours (20 °C).
Curing time at 20 °C and 75 % relative humidity: about 4 days (both elevated relative humidity and temperature will accelerate the curing process).
Pragokor Metal SP is a two-component solvent-based zincethylsilicate preconstruction primer, in a grey colour, which is to be applied in thinner dry film thicknesses (max. 40 µm). It should be particularly applied, just after blasting process, for inter-operation protection of steel sections and sheets for the period of their storage, transport and handling before the assembly of the structure. Blasting with both grit and shot abrasives is possible under the shop primer.
The paint for application should be prepared by a thorough mixing of both liquid and powder components.
The paint, applied on steel sections or sheets in thickness 15 – 20 µm just after their blasting, is of a very high protection performance and, moreover, will enable their subsequent welding and flame cutting without an inferior welds quality. . In this case, Pragokor Metal SP cannot fully replace the function of the permanent primer which should be applied over the preconstruction primer in the shop or after the assembly of the structure. Suitable primers over Pragokor Metal SP are either organic zinc-rich paints or modified inorganic zincsilicate types Pragokor Metal E or Pragokor Metal ESG which, unlike the unmodified zincsilicates, do not at first require a roughening of the Pragokor Metal SP coating by sweep blasting.
As a permanent primer, it should be used in the dry film thickness 40 µm in the combination with organic topcoats, e.g. epoxides, coal-tar epoxides, vinyl, polyurethanes, chlorine-rubbers, silicones, acrylates, silicone-acrylates and water-based styrene-acrylate copolymers.
Thinning: Pragokor Thinner Z (max. 15 % by vol.).
Theoretical spreading rate at the dry film thickness 20 µm: 17,5 m2/litre.
Pot-life after mixing of both components: min. 12 hours (at 20 °C).
Drying time to touch: about 5 minutes (20 µm thickness, 20 °C).
Curing time for topcoating (20 µm of dry film thickness, temperature 20 °C and 75 % relative humidity): about 3 days (enhanced both relative humidity and temperature will accelerate curing process).
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