Pragogal Sn 5500 is an acid sulphate-based tin electroplating bath capable of deposition of highly bright, ductile and pores-free tin coatings on the ferrous substrates and copper and its alloys. The bath is convenient for both rack as well as barrel plating processes. The coatings deposited are highly bright within very wide range of the cathodic current densities. easy to be soldered and of a very good throwing power and levelling ability, the bath feature being enhanced durability against adverse effect of chlorides.
Consumption of the bath additives per every 10 000 Ah:
Pragogal Sn 5501: 1,0 - 4,0 l (basic additive)
Pragogal Sn 5502: 1,0 - 4,0 l (brightener)
The inividual bath components for 100 litres bath capacity should be as follows:
Component | Rack plating | Barrell plating | ||
Optimum | Possible range | Optimum | Possible range | |
Tin sulphate pure | 2,9 kg | 2,7 - 3,4 kg | 3,2 kg | 2,9 - 3,5 kg |
Sulphuric acid pure conc. | 19 kg | 18 - 21 kg | 21 kg | 19 - 22 kg |
Pragogal Sn 5501 | 3,5 l | 2 - 4 l | 3,5 l | 2,5 - 4 l |
Pragogal Sn 5502 | 0,3 l | 0,1 - 0,8 l | 0,2 l | 0,1 - 0,5 l |
Running conditions of the bath:
Bath parameter | Rack plating | Barrell plating | ||
Optimum | Possible range | Optimum | Possible range | |
Cathodic current density A/dm2 | 2 | 0,5 - 5 | 0,8 | 0,3 - 1,2 |
Anodic current density A/dm2 | 1,5 | 0,1 - 2,5 | 1,5 | 0,1 - 2,5 |
voltage between the electrodes V | 0 - 8 | 0 - 12 | ||
Bath temperature °C | 22 | 15 - 25 | 22 | 15 - 25 |
Deposition ratet µm/min, at 2 A/dm2 | cca 1 | |||
Current loading of the bath A/l | Max. 0,4 | Max. 0,8 | ||
Cathode/anode surface ratio | 1 : 2 | 1:1 - 1:2 | v | 1:1 - 1:2 |
Agitation by cathodic bar motion m/minute | 4 - 5 | 3 - 8 | - | - |
Cathodic current output % | 85 - 93 | 80 - 90 |
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