Pragokor Thinner Metal is suitable for the adjustment of the consistency of organically modified zincsilicate paints Pragokor Metal E, Metal ES, Metal ESG and Metal Antik for their application by brush, conventional air-assisted spraying and airless spraying within the atmosphere temperature range +5 °C - +40 °C. Owing to its a bit lower volatility, the thinner is predominantly recommended for higher application temperatures over 20 °C in the amount 10 – 15 % by volume (related to the volume of the unthinned paint).
Pragokor Thinner Metal Z is suitable for the adjustment of the consistency of organically modified zincsilicate paints Pragokor Metal E, Metal ES, Metal ESG and Metal Antik for their application by brush, conventional air-assisted spraying and airless spraying within the atmosphere temperature range -5 °C - +40 °C. Owing to its a bit higher volatility, the thinner is predominantly recommended for lower application temperatures under 20 °C, i.e. during winter, autumn and spring season in the amount 10 – 15% by volume (related to the volume of the unthinned paint). Besides, it should be used for thinning of zincsilicate shop primers as well, e.g. Pragokor Metal SP.
A solvent-based sealing agent for the surface treatment of cured inorganic zincethylsilicate primers Pragokor Metal E, Metal ES, Metal ESG and Metal SP before the application of high-solids or highly consistent paints. Pragokor Penetral is able to penetrate easily and seal the micropores in zincsilicate paints and, therefore, prevents formation of undesired bubbles and craters in the film of the following topcoats like that.
It should be applied unthinned by brush or as a “mist” spray over cured zincsilicate paint, one coat being usually sufficient. Drying time within 15 minutes (20 °C) and practical spreading rate about 50 m2/kg.
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